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Making A Flipped Classroom Video

Hello my dear readers!

For today's post, I will be talking about a new project I did with my friends Feyza and Zeynep.

Let me explain what a flipped classroom is before I share my experience, just in case you're not familiar with it. The flipped classroom is a way of teaching that switches the usual order of activities in class. Instead of the teacher giving lessons during class and students doing homework on their own, in a flipped classroom, students learn the material before class online. This means that class time is used for activities like discussions and working together.

The flipped classroom helps students become more independent learners in a student-centered environment. They have the responsibility for their own learning and can adjust it based on their preferences. This approach also connects what students learn to real-life situations. However, there are some downsides, like issues with the attitudes of teachers and students, incomplete assignments, and problems with technology.

Here, you can view our video we made for flipped classroom!

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